QUESTION: Tell me of Sidhen if you don't mind? I've seen you reblog photos regarding her, and I'm really curious about her since you craft such well-developed characters!
ANSWER: Sidhen is one of my newer characters. I had actually written a short story featuring her, her best friend Toram and their mentor Maradan called "By the Fire". But as detailed in the story, Sidhen is a young dúnadeth from the North Downs, tasked with patrolling the area of the Brandywine river, from Sarn Ford to Evendim. One of her character arcs revolves around the incredibly powerful friendship she has with Toram. Toam is half dúnadan, half dunlending, as his father is a dúnadan from the Angle and his mother a craftswoman of the Ox Clan of Enedwaith.
Sidhen is a dúnadeth of no renown, as she did not fight in any major battles and did not ride south with the Grey Company to the Pelennor Fields. However, she was an active participant in the fight against Sharkey’s lackeys during the Scourging of the Shire, and led the fight in Oatbarton together with the Hornblower sisters.
Sidhen shares many of the qualities the dúnedain have: she is somber and quiet, calculated and aware but quick to laughter and story telling when the company is right. She is also a little jealous of elves and gondorian nobles. The life of the dúnedain is a life of sadness, poverty and always staying in the shadows and she considers that they have the chance of lavishing in luxuries and nice clothes, never having a worry. While she and her kindred endure hardships in quietness.