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QUESTION: Does any of your OCs interact with members of the Fellowship? For example, Melilot being a friend of one of the Hobbits or Sidhen knowing Aragorn? :)




  • Melilot and Adamanta know Rosie Cotton personally and later by default Sam, since Rosie’s relatives, the Cottons, own the largest farm in the Northfarthing.


  • It may not be one of the fellowship but Astoeth knows Oin of Thorin’s Company quite well. She even gave him a couple helpful ideas and nudges and that’s how the dwarf discovered the famous “Ointment” 


  • To say that Sidhen knows Aragorn is an understatement. Aragorn is her chieftain and her king and the two of them together with others of the dunedain have held council many times. She even got to travel with him on the rare occasion. 


  • Lothrin is familiar with perhaps the most members of the fellowship. But that is understandable knowing her age and her position. Lothrin knows Aragorn, as well as his father Arathorn, and his grandfather and his whole line right to Elendil. Of Legolas she knows only little. Mirkwood has never been a place she visits often so her chances of interaction with the Woodland Prince have always been low, never zero - just low. She also has beef with Gandalf. While she acknowledges the wizard means well in his advice, every time Gandalf makes his presence and advice known, lives are lost. No wonder the Rohirrim call him Greyhame and Stormcrow. Sadly, she does not know the other members.  


This is pretty much it. I feel it gives a dash of realism to my characters - the fact that they have their own lives and as our own lives go we might not ever get to interact with a lot of people 

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