QUESTION: As they're all Elves who works closely with the Dúnedain, what sort of relationship do you see Lothrin having with the sons of Elrond?
ANSWER: I see them as having a very warm relationship, based on mutual respect. Lothrin had known all three children of Elrond ever since their birth. Furthermore, she was the one to suggest their further involvement in the matters of the dúnedain. (I refuse to believe Arwen would not follow her brothers and fight by their side in Eriador. FOTR gave us a little taste of ranger-Arwen and I wish to adopt and further expand that image)
The children of Elrond have been an invaluable military and diplomatic link between Imladris and the dúnedain, as their interventions attracted further approval of skirmishes from the Imladrim elves. (as mentioned in Lothrin’s bio, there are several elves from Lindon and Imladris besides her, who fight by the side of the rangers, one such example being Andriel)
Though, she must admit that her relation with Elladan is more developed as both are deeply interested in academic pursuits and they have always been alike in mind and debated many themes of varied domains; while Elrohir is more hasty and battle-oriented and would rarely indulge himself with the same interests she is.
Nonetheless, they have been a constant support throughout all the years in the north and even moreso during LOTR when they rode together with the Grey Company.