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QUESTION: Do you have any Dwarven Tolkien-OCs? If so, could you tell me a little about them? Hope you have a good holiday btw!



  • Giznik of the Longbeards of Khazad-dum, perhaps the most developed of the three was an armorsmith who lived during the reign of King Durin III. His grandfather was a merchant who traded with the elves of Lorien, while his mother was a diplomat who traveled often to Eregion and to the dwarven realms in Ered Luin. His father Asnaz disliked the influence elves seemed to have on his family but kept mostly to himself. Giznik left Khazad-dum short before the Fall of Eregion and traveled north with the Noldor refugees. He helped build Imladris and after the construction was over he traveled to Ered Luin to the kindred of his mother. He married there and remained there for the rest of his life. 

  • Balna of the Blacklocks of Orocarni was a jeweler who lived during the formation of Rohan in TA 2510. She has never left Rhun. She is also a great desserts connoisseur, having a great sweet tooth.

  • Gabnik of the Longbeards of Ered Luin was a weaponsmith who lived during the end of the Third Age in Thorin’s Hall. He is a descendant of Giznik. 

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